9/9/2024 Leech Lake Fishing Report

Toby Kvalevog

9/9/2024 Leech Lake Fishing Report

A bearded man wearing glasses, a cap, and a gray hoodie stands on a boat holding a large muskie fish against the calm waters of Leech Lake. With the distant shoreline bathed in the soft light of early evening or morning, it feels like an entry for 2024's fishing report.

Walleye fishing on Leech Lake continues to be consistent. Our summer patterns have continued to work on Leech Lake. Walleyes continue to be located on sand and sandgrass flats in 10 – 18 ft of water. During the day, slip bobbers, jigs and live bait, and Jig raps (reaction baits) have worked best. Utilizing sonar technology that has side imaging is crucial in finding the larger schools of walleye. Once located hold the boat of the walleye 40-60 ft and pitch to their location. Clear waters like leech lake have a tendency to be tougher on calm days if you get too close to the fish. When there is wind, the fish don’t seem to mind as much.

A person wearing camouflage pants and a hat kneels on a boat at night, holding a large muskie fish. The muskie, caught during the 2024 Leech Lake fishing report, has a long, slender body with distinct scale patterning. The person's face shows a proud expression.
A person wearing a blue cap and hoodie proudly holds a large muskie fish on a boat at night on Leech Lake. The elongated fish displays light brown and greenish hues, with fishing rods visible in the background. This scene could be straight out of a thrilling 2024 Fishing Report.

Musky fishing remains hot and cold with the changes in the weather. Fish are being caught on all types of structure, with the most productive baits being bucktails, flaptails, and swim baits. Bite windows have been very short so fish you’re spots with confidence and when you contact an active fish slow down as there are likely more on that spot. The warmest part of the day seems to be the most consistent, but that may change with the upcoming heat wave in the forecast.

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